Tag: Quantum

Before a new technology can be commercially used on a large scale, first some practical experience has to be obtained. This is usually done in testbeds, where commercial hardware is used under realistic conditions. Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) facilitates the generation of common secret random nu...

Category: WiN-Labor

A collaboration of researches from the Imperial College London, the University of Stuttgart, the Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg and the University of Southampton succeeded in demonstrating writing to and reading from a quantum memory. The used photons were created in a single-photon source...

Category: News

The two application areas 'Time&Frequency' (T&F) and 'Quantum Communication' (QuC) have special technical requirements for data networks. For the transfer of high-quality signals, T&F requires bi-directional amplification, which in conventional data networks requires the signals to be...

Category: WiN-Labor

We have extended our Quantum Simulation portal. You will now find documents in which we describe our impressions of various quantum simulators that we have installed and tried (german language) out. Also a catalog (german language) with simulators that we think are interesting.

Category: WiN-Labor

In the future, articles with tutorial character will be published in this new section. It can be found in the Quantum Technologies portal alongside other sections such as Fundamentals, Quantum Computing, Quantum Initiatives, Quantum Networks, Quantum Simulation and Further Information.

Category: WiN-Labor