Completed Cooperation Projects
GÉANT4 Phase 3
GÉANT4 Phase 3 (GN4-3)
GÉANT-4 was part of the European Union’s Horizon 2020 framework program for research and innovation. As a funding program, it aimed to build a knowledge- and innovation-based society and a competitive economy across the EU, while contributing to sustainable development. Until April 2016, the GÉANT4-P1 project ran for 12 months. This first phase of the project was followed by the second phase of the project GÉANT4-P2 in May 2016 for the Network Research Group, which ran for 32 months. From January 2019 to December 2022, project phase GÉANT4-P3 ran for 48 months.
During the third project phase the Network Research Group focused on investigations and developments in various work packages. The main research areas were orchestration, Automation & Virtualization (OAV), Software Defined Networking (SDN), network virtualisation and network monitoring.
GÉANT4 Phase 2
GÉANT4 Phase 2 (GN4-2)
GÉANT-4 was part of the European Union’s Horizon 2020 framework program for research and innovation. As a funding program, it aimed to build a knowledge- and innovation-based society and a competitive economy across the EU, while contributing to sustainable development. Until April 2016, the GÉANT4-P1 project ran for 12 months. This first phase of the project was followed by the second phase of the project GÉANT4-P2 in May 2016 for the Network Research Group, which ran for 32 months.
During the second project phase the Network Research Group focused on investigations and developments in various service and joint research activities. The main research areas were Software Defined Networking (SDN), network virtualisation and network monitoring.
- Transforming silos to next-generation services, IEEE EUROCON 2017 – 17th International Conference on Smart Technologies (Ohrid, 06-08 Juli 2017), DOI: 10.1109/EUROCON.2017.8011210 , R. , M. , F. , J. :
- S. Naegele-Jackson, J. Sobieski, J. Gutkowski, M. Hažlinský: Creating Automated Wide-Area Virtual Networks with GTS – Overview and Future Developments, 2016 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom) (Luxembourg City, 12-15 Dezember 2016), DOI: 10.1109/CloudCom.2016.0104
GÉANT4 Phase 1
GÉANT4 Phase 1 (GN4-1)
GN4-P1 was a new EU project and first part of the Horizon 2020 framework program. It started during May 2015 with a runtime of twelve months and is followed by the project GN4-P2 since mid 2016. The Network Research Group at RRZE continued during Phase 1 its work in the areas Software-Defined Networking (SDN), multi-domain monitoring and testbeds-as-a-service, which is now known as „GÉANT Testbeds Service (GTS)”. GTS is a testbed-service which allows researchers to build customized virtual networks via a website. This enables researchers to work in their own virtual networks to perform security relevant tests or experience new network technologies without affecting the productivity network.
- H. Calim, B. Arslan, S. Naegele-Jackson: The Use of OpenFlow Switch Instances for Virtual Testbed Isolation, 8. DFN-Forum Kommunikationstechnologien (Lübeck, 06-09 Juni 2015), ISBN: 978-3-88579-637-4
- S. Naegele-Jackson, J. Sobieski, B. Pietrzak, M. Hažlinský, P. Szegedi, F. Farina: GÉANT Testbeds Service, TERENA Networking Conference (Porto, 15-18 Juni 2015)
- J. Sobieski, F. Farina, S. Naegele-Jackson, K. Kramaric, B. Pietrzak, M. Hažlinský: GÉANT Testbed Service External Domain Ports: A Demo on Multiple Domain Connectivity, 2015 Fourth European Workshop on Software Defined Networks (Bilbao, 30. September 2015 – 2. Oktober 2015), DOI: 10.1109/EWSDN.2015.74
- H. Wessing, K. Bozorgebrahimi, B. Belter, A. Tzanakaki, S. Naegele-Jackson, V. Olifer, A. Metz, J. Vojtech, P. Škoda: Future Architectures for NREN Infrastructures, TERENA Networking Conference 2015 (Porto, 15-18 Juni 2015)
GÉANT3+ (GN3plus)
The Network Research Group participated from April 2013 to April 2014 in the European project GN3plus which is a continuation of GÉANT3. The main research areas were monitoring, performance and network-visualisation with SDN. The obtained results presented a solid base for further developments during the continuation project GÉANT4 Phase 1. The RRZE investigated during the project the following areas:
- SA2: Testbeds as a Service, Task 1: TaaS Architecture and Engineering
- SA2: Testbeds as a Service, Task 2: Software Tools, Protocols, and Specifications
- SA2: Testbed as a Service, Task 3: TaaS Service Management
- SA4: Network Support Services, Task 1: Multi-Domain Monitoring (MDM)
- JRA1: Network Architectures for Horizon 2020, Task 1: Future Network Architectures
- JRA2: Technology Testing for Specific Service Applications, Task 1: OpenFlow/SDN for Specialized Applications
- Susanne Naegele-Jackson, Peter Kaufmann: GÉANT erhält eingebauten Innovationsmotor, DFN Mitteilungen Ausgabe 85, November 2013
GÉANT3 was a project with a runtime of four years and was succesfully concluded at 31th March 2013.
In addition to the main task of providing an European research network (continuation of GÉANT2), several other research and service activities were part of the project. The RRZE primarily focused on performance measurements in the European research network with perfSONAR MDM. The big goal was the development of the prototype of GÉANT2 towards a software service for customers of GÉANT, i.e. national research networks and large research projects like LHC. PerfSONAR is a protocol which allows for implementation independent network measurements and the managing of already available measurement results.
GÉANT2 (2005 – 2008) investigated high bandwidth network connections for research purposes within Europe. More than 30 million researchers were connected via a Multi-Domain Topology which included 34 European Countires and other regions.
Within the GÉANT2 project the IPPM system HADES went international: The WiN-Lab took part at the European project with its successfull measurement system. The concrete tasks were located within the subprojects JRA1 (Joint Research Activity) and SA3 (Service Activity). JRA1 compared different approaches to performance measurements while SA3 aimed to develop and operate a distributed performance monitoring system for the monitoring of the quality of service. Therefore JRA1 served as a development phase enabling the operation phase in SA3.
One result of the JRA1 project was the deployment of the WiN-Lab developed IPPM measurement system within Europe and beyond. It became a goal of the WiN-Lab to spread the measurement system within the European research network (GÉANT2) and the US. More than 20 measurement boxes were distributed to collect measurement results from links within the European network.
- Andreas Hanemann, Stephan Kraft, Patricia Marcu, Jochen Reinwand, Helmut Reiser, David Schmitz, Verena Venus: perfSONAR: Performance Monitoring in europäischen Forschungsnetzen, 1. DFN-Forum Kommunikationstechnologien (Kaiserslautern, 28-29 Mai 2008), ISBN: 978-3-88579-224-6
- Roland Karch, Birgit König, Stephan Kraft: WiN-Lab goes GÉANT2, 72. Benutzerinformationen RRZE, Oktober 2004
The project NOVI (Networking Innovations Over Virtualized Infrastructures) started with the first September 2010 at the RRZE. In this European project the goal were methods, algorithms and information systems which enable users to supervise virtual ressources, tasks and isolated slices via Future Internet (FI) platforms.
In this context important research goals of NOVI were in the areas
- Monitoring Architectures (passive and active supervision of virtual ressources)
- Semantic Resource Description (formal description of objects in virtual networks and cloud computing)
- Virtual Resource Brokerage (algorithms for the distribution of virtual ressources dependent on the required quality of service for the virtual user environments (slices))
- Federated Virtualization Technologies (investigation of architectures for the control of isolated silces in multidomain network environments)
The RRZE contributed on behalf of the DFN-Verein mainly in the area „Monitoring Architectures“. The goal was the development of the HADES (Hades Active Delay Evaluation System) measurement system towards being able to provide IP performance metrics also for virtual environments. The project had a runtime of 30 months and was supported by the EU with 2.363.999 €.
- S. Naegele-Jackson: Projektbericht- Networking innovations Over Virtualized Infrastructures (NOVI): Erster Prototyp für virtuelle Netze über föderierte Umgebungen, 88. Benutzerinformationen RRZE, Mai 2013
- S. Naegele-Jackson, P. Kaufmann: Investigation of One-Way Delay Variation in Substrate and Slice Measurements over a European-wide Future Internet Platform, 2nd International Workshop on Measurement-based Experimental Research, Methodology and Tools (MERMAT 2013) (Dublin, 7. Mai 2013)
- S. Naegele-Jackson, P. Kaufmann: NOVI: Virtuelle Netze koppeln, DFN Mitteilungen Ausgabe 82, Mai 2012
- S. Naegele-Jackson: Netzforschung am RRZE: NOVI – Networking innovations Over Virtualized Infrastructures, 86. Benutzerinformationen RRZE, Dezember 2011
This project was connected to the FEDERICA (Federated E-infrastructure Dedicated to European Researchers Innovating in Computing Network Architectures) network, which was supported by the EU for 2.5 years until end of 2010. The goal was a technology independent testbed infrastructure especially for network researchers which had to investigate distributed virtual networks, multicasting/IPv6 or future internet technologies and therefore required a realistic testbed infrastructure.
The testbed was realized using the European GÉANT3 network where the FEDERICA-GÉANT3 links were connected to the PoPs (Points of Presence) of the national NRENs (National Research and Education Networks) and from there forwarded to the corresponding FEDERICA PoPs. The only German FEDERICA PoP was localized at the RRZE which was a core PoP of the FEDERICA testbed that connected to other core POP locations in Poland, Italy and the Czech Republic.
In Erlangen four 1 GE were provided that were forwarded towards Frankfurt using the X-WiN to realize international connectivity to the GÉANT3 network.
User of the testbed in Germany were connected via Erlangen and were assigned virtual slices of the infrastructure that could be individually configured as a set of nodes and ethernet links without interfering with other users working in their own virtual subnetworks. This especially enabled the investigation of new network technologies that require configurations and conditions not possible to change without affecting the productivity network. In Erlangen mainly investigations regarding OpenFlow were conducted. Furthermore Erlangen was responsible for the measurement of the physical infrastructure of FEDERICA regarding IP performance metrics like one-way delay, one-way delay variation and package loss.
- Peter Szegedi, Jordi Ferrer Riera, Joan A. Garcia-Espin, Markus Hidell, Peter Sjödin, Pehr Söderman, Marco Ruffini, Donal O’Mahony, Andrea Bianco, Luca Giraudo, Miguel Ponce de Leon, Gemma Power, Christina Cervello-Pastor, Victor Lopez, Susanne Naegele-Jackson: Enabling future internet research: the FEDERICA case, IEEE Communications Magazine 49(7), 2011, DOI: 10.1109/MCOM.2011.5936155
In the project VIOLA (Vertically Integrated Optical Networks for Large Applications) (2004 – 2007) the transmission of uncompressed audio and video signals was investigated together with the Fraunhofer Institut for Media Communication (IMK) in St. Augustin. The tests mainly aimed to realize a time synchronous transmission of a video signal with 352 Mbps with short adaption network delay over a distance of about 600 km (Munich – Erlangen 200 km + Erlangen – St. Augustin 400 km). Especially demanding was the maintenance of a clock signal over the connection Erlangen – Freimann (Munich) – Erlangen – Birlinghoven (St. Augustin).
- S. Naegele-Jackson, P. Holleczek, J. Reinwand: Multi-Layer Performance Measurements over Optical Testbeds and QoS Provisioning for High-Bandwidth Video Applications, 2006 3rd International Conference on Broadband Communications, Networks, and Systems (San Jose, 01-05 Oktober 2006), DOI: 10.1109/BROADNETS.2006.4374428.
The RRZE worked on behalf of the DFN-Verein from 2008 – 2010 at the perfSONAR-Lite TSS (Troubleshooting Service) which is a network troubleshooting tool for the EGEE (Enabling Grids for E-Science) for the European research community. The troubleshooting tool was supposed to ease the network administrators of the almost 300 partners of the EGEE project the error detection and monitoring of the infrastructure for GRID applications.
The tools included request services like a ping service, traceroute, DNS lookup, port scan and bandwith measurements (Bandwidth Test Controller (BWCTL)) which can be initiated by authorized clients via a central web server. In contrast to existing approaches the EGEE-III network troubleshooting tool was configured such that measurements and requests were possible on-demand over limited time intervals. This brings the advantage of being able to specifically request measurement results for certain links in case of network problems instead of needing persistent background monitoring with continous measurements and measurement results over 24 hours per day.
- M. Gründl, S. Naegele-Jackson: Toolset für Schwachstellenanalysen und Qualitätssicherung im Netz, DFN Mitteilungen Ausgabe 80, Mai 2011
- M. Gründl, S. Naegele-Jackson: Toolset zur Planung und Qualitätssicherung von verteilten virtuellen Netzwerkstrukturen, 4. DFN-Forum Kommunikationstechnologien (Bonn, 20-21 Juni 2011), ISBN: 978-3-88579-281-9
- S. Naegele-Jackson, M. Gründl, A. Hanemann: PerfSONAR-Lite TSS – Schnelldiagnose von Netzverbindungen im EGEE-III-Projekt, 3. DFN-Forum Kommunikationstechnologien (Konstanz, 26-27 Mai 2010), ISBN: 978-3-88579-260-4
- S. Naegele-Jackson: PerfSONAR – Lite Troubleshooting Service: Service Tools für On-Demand Netzwerk Troubleshooting, DFN Mitteilungen Ausgabe 77, November 2009
The project Uni-TV (1998-2004) used fast Gigabit networks for the production and distribution of high resolution multimedia teaching materials to improve the scientific exchange between universities and increase educational opportunities. Starting in 1999 lectures at the universities of Erlangen und Munich were recorded and processed online at the Institut for Broadcast Engineering (IRT) according to a script from the University of Television and Film (HFF). The finished video product could be accessed on demand from a video server. Furthermore the teaching material was regularly broadcasted on the educational channel of the Bavarian Broadcasting (BR).
Such productions require large bandwidths (in these days rates above 200 Mbps could occur) and also a high quality of service. Therefore this project of the DFN-Verein supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) could not be realized in the earlier version of the German research network B-WiN. The new Gigabit network however enabled the broad distribution of multimedia teaching and learning products to everyone.
- S. Naegele-Jackson, J. Kaiser, P. Holleczek: Influence of Software-Based NIDS on FEC-Protected Uncompressed Video Transmissions, 2010 2nd International Conference on Evolving Internet (Valencia, 20-25 September 2010), DOI: 10.1109/INTERNET.2010.27
- S. Naegele-Jackson, P. Holleczek: Verteilte Interaktive TV Produktion, Workshop Live Studioproduktion 3.0: IT-basiert in die Zukunft (Ilmenau, 07. Oktober 2008), ISBN: 978-3-939473-32-9
- S. Naegele-Jackson, P. Holleczek, A. Metz: The Effects of SDI-to-ATM Adaptation on Communication and Control in Distributed Interactive Multimedia Applications, International Conference on Computer, Communication and Control Technologies (CCCT’03) and the 9th International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis (ISAS’03) (Orlando, 31. Juli 2003 – 2. August 2003)
- S. Naegele-Jackson, P. Holleczek, A. Metz: Using High-Capacity Data Networks and Uncompressed Video Transmissions for Distributed Television Productions in Real-Time, International Conference on Communications and Computing (Las Vegas, 23-26 Juni 2003)
- S. Naegele-Jackson, P. Holleczek, A. Metz, H. Wollherr: Uncompressed Video Transmissions and Remote Controlled Distributed Television Productions in Real-Time over High-Capacity Networks, 9th International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems (Miami, 24-26 September 2003), ISBN: 1-891706-13-6
- N. L. M. Eschbaum, S. Römer, S. Naegele-Jackson: Innovative Teaching Strategies in University Settings – Synthesis of Technical and Didactical Presentation Training for Lecturers, Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in Education (Badajoz, 13-16 November 2002)
- S. Römer, S. Naegele-Jackson, N. Liebl: Digital Coaching in Higher Education. Assistance for Lecturers in Developing Computer-Aided Presentations for Teleteaching, EDU-COM 2002 (Khon Kaen, 25-27 November 2002)
- N. L. M. Eschbaum, S. Naegele-Jackson, P. Holleczek: Evaluation of a Target-group-specific Television and Internet-based Distribution of Instructional Contents, 2nd International Conference on Technology in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (Samos, 27-29 Juni 2001)
- N. L. M. Eschbaum, S. Naegele-Jackson, P. Holleczek: Standardized Presentations and Formats for a Distributed Television Production in a Distance Learning Environment, International Conference on Intelligent Multimedia and Distance (Fargo, 01-03 Juni 2001)
- U. Hilgers, S. Naegele-Jackson, M. Gräve: Codecmessungen, Februar 2001
- U. Hilgers, S. Naegele-Jackson, P. Holleczek, R. Hofmann: Bereitstellung von Dienstgüte in IP- und ATM-Netzen als Voraussetzung für die Video-Übertragung mit Hardware-Codecs, 15. DFN-Arbeitstagung über Kommunikationsnetze (Düsseldorf, 06-08 Juni 2001), ISBN: 978-3-88579-336-9
- S. Naegele-Jackson, N. L. M. Eschbaum, P. Holleczek: Distributed Television Production for Distance Education with a Customizable Internet Platform, 12th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications (Munich, 03-07 September 2001), DOI: 10.1109/DEXA.2001.953160
- S. Naegele-Jackson, M. Gräve, P. Holleczek: Spontaneity and Delay Considerations in Distributed TV Productions, 7th International Conference of European University Information Systems EUNIS2001 (Berlin, 28-30 März 2001), DOI: 10.18452/1052
- S. Naegele-Jackson, U. Hilgers, P. Holleczek: Evaluation of Codec Behavior in IP and ATM Networks, 7th International Conference of European University Information Systems EUNIS2001 (Berlin, 28-30 März 2001)
- S. Naegele-Jackson, P. Holleczek: Verteilte Videoproduktionen und Video-on-Demand-Dienste an der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Hochschulfernsehen Initiativen-Praxis-Perspektiven 44, 2001, ISBN: 3-89669-297-6
- S. Naegele-Jackson, M. Gräve, N. L. M. Eschbaum, P. Holleczek: Uni-TV – Distributed TV Production and Video-on-Demand Services at Universities, TERENA Networking Conference 2000 (Lissabon, 22-25 Mai 2000)
- F. Dressler, U. Hilgers, S. Naegele-Jackson, K. Liebl: Untersuchung von Dienstqualitäten bei echtzeitorientierten multimedialen Übertragungen, Fachtagung der GI-Fachgruppe Echtzeitprogrammierung (PEARL’99) (Boppard, 25-26 November 1999), DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-59704-6_13, ISBN: 978-3-540-66700-1
Gigabit Testbed South (GTB)
The Gigabit Testbed South (GTB) (1998 – 2001) connected locations in Munich, Erlangen and Berlin with High-Bandwidth-ATM-Connections, enabling network transfer rates up to 3 x 2.5 Gbps.
This did not only provide more ressources to applications in B-WiN but also enabled new applications not possible earlier due to high demands regarding quality of service and bandwidth. Examples for this are medical applications, Meta-Computing, Video-on-Demand and multimedia applications which require very high resolutions and high quality of service.
- T. Rabenstein, S. Naegele-Jackson, E. G. Hahn, M. Sackmann, J. Maiß: Reply to Heatley and Bell, Endoscopy, 2003
- J. Maiß, T. Rabenstein, S. Naegele-Jackson, M. Radespiel-Tröger, T. Hengstenberg, P. Holleczek, E. G. Hahn, M. Sackmann: Einflussfaktoren auf die medizinisch-diagnostische Beurteilbarkeit des endoskopischen Videobildes bei digitaler real-time Datenübertragung (Gigabit Testbed Sued, Teilprojekt 1.15), Endoskopie heute, 2002
- S. Naegele-Jackson, P. Holleczek, T. Rabenstein, J. Maiß, E. G. Hahn, M. Sackmann: Influence of Compression and Network Impairments on the Picture Quality of Video Transmissions in Telemedicine, 35th Hawaii International Conference of System Sciences (HICSS) (Big Island, 07-10 Januar 2002)
- T. Rabenstein, J. Maiß, S. Naegele-Jackson, K. Liebl, T. Hengstenberg, M. Radespiel-Tröger, P. Holleczek, E. G. Hahn, M. Sackmann: Tele-Endoscopy: Influence of Data Compression, Bandwidth and Simulated Impairments on the Usability of Real-Time Digital Video Endoscopy Transmissions for Medical Diagnoses, Endoscopy Volume 34, 2002, DOI: 10.1055/s-2002-33568
- S. Naegele-Jackson, U. Hilgers, M. Fleischmann, M. Gräve, P. Holleczek, A. Faul, G. May, A. Völkl, V. Apostolescu: Abschlußbericht zum Projekt Begleitende Technologieprojekte zum Gigabit Testbed Süd (Teilprojekt II 2.0) (1.3.1999 – 28.2.2001), 2001
- T. Rabenstein, J. Maiß, S. Naegele-Jackson, K. Liebl, M. Radespiel-Tröger, R. Rosette, P. Holleczek, E. G. Hahn, M. Sackmann: Teleendoskopie im Gigabit Testbed Süd (Teilprojekt 1.15): Eine prospektive Anwendungsstudie, 35. Jahrestagung der deutschen Gesellschaft für Biomedizinische Technik e.V. (DGBMT) (Bochum, 2001), DOI: 10.1515/bmte.2001.46.s1.396
- T. Rabenstein, J. Maiß, S. Naegele-Jackson, K. Liebl, M. Radespiel-Tröger, R. Rosette, P. Holleczek, E. G. Hahn, M. Sackmann: Teleendoskopie im Gigabit Testbed Süd (Teilprojekt 1.15): Einfluß von Datenkomprimierung, Bandbreite und Bildstörungen auf die medizinisch-diagnostische Beurteilbarkeit des endoskopischen Videobildes, Biomedizinische Technik. Biomedical engineering 46, 2001, DOI: 10.1515/bmte.2001.46.s1.398
- Peter Holleczek, Heinz Weber, Michael Gräve, Sven Schoolmann, Werner Hohenberger: Advances in Medical Quality-Securing by New Network Technologies – Using the Gigabit Testbed South for Online Quality Control of Tumor Operations in Surgery. Computer Networks, 2000
- Heinz Weber, Thomas Horbach, Christoph Schick, H. Groitl, Werner Hohenberger: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Telemedizin in der Endoskopie, Endoskopie heute 13(1), 2000
- Heinz Weber: Nutzung geeigneter Übertragungs- und Codierverfahren von hochaufgelöstenVideosignalen zur Qualitätssicherung in der Tumorchirurgie. 2001
- Heinz Weber, Werner Hohenberger: Telematik in der Chirurgie – Zusammenarbeit zwischen Klinik und Praxis. Telemedizinführer Deutschland, 2001, ISBN 3-00-007017-6.
Version: 28.02.2024